Hi there, you might have been wondering where I was since my last blog was from December. Well, after a few years of The Diary Files I thought it was time for something new. A new project. A project even more about journaling than the Diary Files were. So thinking that I came up with the idea of doing an All About Me project.
I can see that the skills of many many digital scrapbookers has grown enormously. The art work is awesome, technically and creatively. However, I see a lot of times that people just do that: photo's or a drawing or elements, some words, like quotes or just enough to say a little bit about what you can see in the pictures... and that's it!

Of course I have that too! Done that many many times. But does it make my page a good page? Honestly? No. Not per se. I think that whenever you see a page with a photo of the Eiffel tower, you do not want to read about the height or that it is in Paris. There could be so much more to say about it!
About things that really mattered to you when you were there. You could think about what you felt when you was on top, you could tell who you met there. Did you go alone or were you there with a group? What was the purpose of your visit. All these things and many, many more make your Eiffel Tower come to life. And when it does, it makes your page alive!
This is in short what All About Me is all about :) It's about coming up with a good story. A story on every page. A story to enrich your albums, your souvenirs, your heritage. In this project we go beyond the prompts and quotes. Of course there is the image, the beauty, the colors, the whole layout. But in this project we are also trying to discover the essence of each experience. And how to show it in a page.
You can follow my lessons at the facebook group Project 2019 - All About Me
It's a closed group but it's free to all, meaning you don't have to buy my collections if you don't want to. You just can request and I will let you in. In the facebook group we will show pages, photo's , share stories etc. to each other that might not be for a big audience. We use work sheets etc. to enrich your skills.
About Berna
Maybe you already know, maybe you don't but though I'm a designer and illustrator, but I'm also a writer. I wrote childrens books in Dutch, but I happen to also write for adults. I make stories and poems and I am even the (temporary) chairman of a writers club in my hometown Heerhugowaard. I know my English is not the English of a native speaker, but I could tell people something. Help people with writing. So that will be my mission for this year: to let you tell your best stories.
Check for my books: https://www.bernadatema.com/books