This Summer I really had to back off a little from all the hard work and the courses. I was a little overwhelmed by all the new skills and information and all the ideas that came from that. So I packed my stuff for a wonderful meeting in Brighton; the Global Art Gathering and I stayed there with HB Harry in an old but fun hotel near the coast.

It was a wonderful event. But the whole trip was amazing. On Friday we went to England and had the morning train in Calais. I am so lucky that Harry really drives very good and didn't have problems driving on the other side of the road. So we drove from Folkstone to Brighton on the 11th, knowing that we would get calls from both our daughter Laila and our son Noah with the message if they had passed their school exams.
It was frustraing when I noticed a few days earlier that exactly on the day we were going, they should hear the results. The drive to Bright took us 2½ hours, and when we arrived, we knew that luckily they both made it! Thay - of course - was the first fantastic highlight from the trip, apart from the wonderful views and places and the landscape and houses we passed on our way.