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Make Art That is Fun (2)

When we arrived in Brighton we immediately searched for a place to park our car, thinking that it wouldn't be too difficult to find a hotel for two nights. We didn't book in front. Young and still without kids we almost never booked in advance, and we never failed to find a place. For only a few nights I we are never very picky, and so it's easy to find something :) We were so lucky: had a Queen size four-poster bed in very chique style, LOL! Here some photo's of the wonderful room and the pier...

I am in search of a better photo camera, so made these with my iPad. I had a good camera, but it need to be fixed and I'm not sure if it can be fixed...

Despite, I can see that the camera in the iPad is not really as bad as I thought... HM...

We never realized that there were two piers. One of them seems to be burned in 2003. I think this is typical English, to let the pier stay there for such a long time when nobody can walk on it and it's totally ruined. Of course there were very beautiful pieces of the pier that needed to be saved, but I just learned that this pier was already closed in 1976! Way too long to keep the stuff untouched I think.

Our hotel was in front of the old ruined pier. Actually the blocks of houses around a great seaside park were lovely. If I were Brittish I would have loved to buy me a house there!

We choose the hotel because we thought we had the opportunity of a lifetime to sleep in a bed like this. As if we were part of the royal family.

So the room ... hm... The bed was so amazingly ugly that we should have been really crazy if we didn't want to sleep there for 2 nights, LOL! We can remove it from the bucket list.

Thing was, it inspired me because of all the decorations on the walls on the bed and in the cupboard. The hotel was cheap but clean. We were staying at the back of the hotel. No seaview for us. After all I think it was pretty dangerous to stay there, because one look at the emergency stairway under our window learned that we didn't want to have a real emergency without a proper bannister.

The print in the sideboard. There was art everywhere.

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