Frames are always good in digital scrapbooking. I don't talk about metal or wooden frames, but I talk about paper frames. I used to have a series called Eye Love You products which were always good because the helped you with your prhoto's. For instsance: a good frame is when it supports your photo in the best possible way. So if there is a girl in the photo with beautiful green eyes, maybe you could use a frame with the same color in it. Or if you have a set of photo's that come together as a theme, it could be fun to exactly use the same style of frames. If the event is important, then it can be a great idea to use frames with a mini label attached etc.
Now here is my deal: I have had so many Old Photo sets, that I now bundle them up. For a great price and with loads of content, so that you will always have enough when you need them. This is not a sale, the price of these mega packs are always very low and wil STAY THAT WAY!
There is one out now and I will aready show you the two first packs, one with 100 and the other with 125 files inside. Sometimes I do frames with and without drop shadows, sometimes I add a little overlay to vary.
And this will the new Mega pack for Saturday...